Having been a loyal GWR man for many a year,I suddenly had the urge to do something LMS !!! The current layout 'Owley GWR' occupies the only space I have available (in a 3 bedroom cottage ) so there wont be a change of layout anytime soon.So,during lockdown I decided to try my hand at scratchbuilding some LMS type buildings to put into storage for future use.The first attempt being a station building,not based on an actual structure,but rather something from my imagination as to what 'might have been'. The structure was basically made from 2mm card,styrene and brick papers.Windows,doors etc were sourced from various commercial companies. The whole build took around 3 weeks,but I am fairly happy with how it turned out,considering it was my first scratchbuild.

Posted by gregorybrown06 (Greg) at 2021-05-02 19:29:47 UTC