And this is where I am roughly at. Most buildings in place - though not all are finalised yet. Lot of work to be done. I have printed out my extended plans tiled on paper, taped together and laid out over the trackwork to see how everything fits together. There is trackwork there! Possibly questions about the buildings. Long row of white cottages at the centre back are the Scalescenes Cottages kit. Half profile workshop on the left and the tall shop to the right (possibly not final position) are from Petite Properties. All the remainder of the buildings are drawn up by myself to the layout of the plans and have been laser cut by a small firm in London for me in 2mm mdf. They are taped together so I can see how it looks overall. There has been progress since this as you may have seen the small single story workshop on the left - one of my first post on here and that has a wiggly tin roof now.
Posted by Simon Cox at 2021-05-12 21:25:03 UTC