Hi, My name is Ian Perrin. I'm retired and moved to Mid-Wales 6½ years ago to embark on a self-build house project. A basement room was an integral part of the plan and which was to become the railway room once house and garden were finished. I am the current owner of Penrhos and Lydgate OO gauge layouts which are both set in the late 50's/early 60's period. If the names sound familiar to some it is because they've both had spells on the exhibition circuit but they are now part of a permanent fixture. I used to be a volunteer at Pendon before moving and like to focus on the scenic aspects of modelling and less so with the electronic skills that are well demonstrated by others in the hobby (which, unfortunately, seem to have eluded me, thus far!). #lydgate
Posted by ianp at 2021-05-18 19:53:51 UTC