This is Mossdale's page, my little recreation of a sunny spot in North Yorkshire that has many trains passing through. The real Mossdale gets more rain than sun, and in 1948 it had three trains a day, when the line closed it was just one train each way. What I didn't realise when I started Mossdale and choosing its location between Garsdale and Hawes, was that I was born a couple of days after the ever last train ran. The layout is "finished" and appeared in Railway Modeller recently and thoughts have turned to its replacement, but for now I am still improving the scenery and rolling stock. About one third of the buildings have been replaced this year with more detailed versions, and this will continue. Under the layout work will soon start to replace the point motors with servos and some form of computer control, but still with DC traction.
Posted by Mossdale at 2021-05-18 20:22:48 UTC