This is my Class 73, which was pristine on Friday, and got a hefty weathering over the weekend. Like the TTAs from the other post, the Humbrol rattle can varnish has dulled it a bit, unfortunately. But the white mottled effect it got from the varnish has lessened, thankfully. I got some good advice from members here and on Instagram about decent varnishes to use in future, for which I’m very grateful. I’m really starting to like this Hornby Railroad loco. It was discounted on Amazon, and when I received it I wasn’t impressed with the cheap feel to it (and one of the pick-up wires had been knicked by the body shell). But over time the running has improved greatly, and taking a little time to weather it (I perhaps should have stopped waaay before I did!) and it looks much less like a toy. Compare this to a couple of locos I have that cost more than twice this one, and I find that this runs probably more reliably, and I’m less worried to open it up and do stuff to it.
Posted by CrippsCorner at 2021-05-23 20:16:02 UTC