Thanks to Justin and Iain for setting up this Group Page. I thought it might be helpful to give a few basic details about the layout to help put it into context. Like a lot of people I became interested in model railways as a child and then took a very long break, distracted by work, paying the mortgage etc. Glad to say that about 4 years ago I started to build a new layout in my loft. Muddle and Get Nowhere is loosely based somewhere between 1955 and 1961 and is set somewhere in the north of England. This enables me to run both steam and diesel, but I also like to add features and rolling stock on a whim, so you will spot a few deliberate anachronisms! It's OO Gauge and is constructed on two levels connected by inclines. Each level is 3m x 10m and there are 2 x double loops on each level. The layout moves through all four seasons across its length and so trains between the 4 stations take several months to reach their destination! The layout is DCC controlled using a Z21 contoller, which means that I can operate points, signals and locos with my iPad and iPhone At one end is an industrial town and at the other is a mining town, with a village, farmland and woodland in between. It's still very much a work in progress and I'm easily distracted from completing one section by doing some detail work on another. I anticipate that the layout will be completed over the next 4 years, but like any model, I doubt it will ever be finished. (Particularly if SMS keep thinking of new ways to part me from my cash!) I hope you like what I am doing and will follow the layout as it develops

Posted by PreshrunkPaul at 2021-05-25 14:01:43 UTC