Greetings one and all, I've been modelling in one way or another since I was about 7, I'm now 63. I used to get my first models from Woolworths, the Airfix kits in the polythene bags, they were 1/11d when I started. I used to get 1/- a week pocket money, so every 3 weeks when I changed my library books I could buy a model and a tube of glue - blue and white tube of WELDTITE Plastic Cement. Guaranteed to stick you to the model ! I'd spend Sundays with Mum's nail file trying to get the hardened glue off my fingers....... I'd save the 4th weeks shilling towards a bigger model, the first one was the wartime HMS Ark Royal. I've been fascinated by aircraft carriers ever since. Airfix had a massive impact on my childhood, my education in learning about history and my interests ever since. In fact thinking about it now, Airfix 'was' my childhood - and like James May said, 'I credit Airfix with turning me into the kind of well adjusted person I grew up to be' ! Although my old Mum would possibly have disagreed with that statement............bless her. In those days the instructions were all in writing on a single page, no detailed diagrams like today. So I credit Airfix with giving me the spur to learn to read. I had a clockwork O Gauge Hornby train set to start with and then upgraded to an OO electric one aged about 8 or 9. I still have my first loco, Nellie - and she still runs ! I've kept up the model making over the years - 'Happiness is a cardboard box full of bits of plastic, plus a tube of glue, paints and a brush'........ I'll make any type model, I've never 'specialised' in one particular type. I've been collecting for my retirement project to for around 8-10 years now. A DCC layout based losely around Poole Harbour in the war years before D-Day. It will incorporate elements from other coastal towns along the south coast. Model wise it will have a Corvette, captured U-Boat, MTBs, ASR Launches, elements of Mulberry, landing craft workshops, a Coastal Command Sunderland and Catalina flying boats plus a sea plane base. There will be a dock setting, mainline twin rail route, a large shed complex plus a low relief town and rail through station. Not forgetting the Minic Motorway road setting, plus period vehicles adapted to run on the roadway. Well, that's the current plan anyway....... This way I get to indulge in having a layout that incorporates all my favourite types of models, moving vehicles and of course steam trains. Being wartime, I can have locos from all 4 companies bring troops, goods, munitions and armaments into 'Longhampton Harbour'. I just hope I live long enough to, if not finish it, then at least get a good way there. I'm also trying very hard to get my 5yo great nephew into model making and trains. So far he loves steam trains, so I'm getting there - slowly. I'll make him a layout in due course, but he's not having my little Nellie.........! I'm currently in Portsmouth but planning on moving back to my roots in Dorset in the not too distant future. Researching my my family history is another of my pastimes. Thanks for your time. Yours, Snowy

Posted by Snowy at 2021-04-26 10:22:17 UTC