Made a bit of a start on the fencing for "no mans' land". After the fiasco on the Ziggy Zaggy Path, the wire idea had to be completely rethought... Sorry @justin.noble it was probably me, but I couldnt get the supplied stuff properly straight and it kinked alarmingly as I was threading it. So, for this run, I've mixed up my hobbies a bit, and I'm using guitar strings. Electric 12 string 3rd pair octave G 6 thou gauges to be precise. 6 thousandth of an inch sounds thin, but at 40 thou to a millimetre, these scale out at one sixth of 3 inches... Ie half an inch... Hardly " thin" wire, but any tninner and there really wouldn't be much point.. Costwise, you can buy odd strings, as heavy handed players like me can bust the thinner ones while the rest have loads of mileage on them, these were 60p each and you get near enough 3 foot on each. So once the holes are drilled and the gauging coach has got past, its down to threading 13 posts on.....
Posted by alec_oldroyd at 2024-02-04 20:54:09 UTC