#WarrenYard #RealisingaDream Realising a Dream - 1 - Overview My railway is pure fiction, but designed with the aim of being plausible, it is freight and industry based in the era of BR steam and green diesel, working primarily in 1:76 scale, OO gauge with DCC for loco driving only. The railway is centred on a marshalling yard out in the sticks attached to a busy trunk line which also sees some passing passenger traffic. Geographic location has become set in the north east of England based on the industries portrayed which in turn was dictated by what rolling stock was available RTR. Although I did enjoy building wagons in my youth, time and eyesight are no longer on my side to build a large fleet of wagons. These days I only build what I cannot buy RTR or modify from RTR. My preferred region is the Midland but most of my smaller freight locos working the branches are J94 with a number of J39 and J11 so coincidentally it has become biased to the Eastern region. Overview The marshalling yard is primarily a hub for traffic to and from two branches to connect with the trunk line. The yard has loco servicing facilities for branch and visiting locos, a wagon repair works and a small PW yard. The industrial branch has rail interfaces to a motor works, heavy electrical engineers, a colliery, cement works, chemical works and two small scale industries at it's tail end. The port branch feeds various docks for general merchandise, concrete works, rail to road oil transfer terminal, grain silos, heavy mineral docks. It further leads on to a ferry port for international traffic, a larger colliery and steelworks which are all imagined by a fiddle yard. Generally I model just the rail interfaces of these industries and smaller docks A symbolic map of the intended layout shows the overall plan, I'm not sure how this will appear to viewers on smaller devices, please let me know. To be continued, as they say, Jim

Posted by Jim Franklin at 2021-04-28 13:36:36 UTC